Live Commerce

The challenge consisted in creating a Livestream E-commerce solution (mobile & desktop) for a furniture shop that sells designer pieces by well-known to less-known designers.

<Live Commerce> is a term used to describe an e-commerce combination with live streaming video. 

Live Commerce

User Personas

Two personas from the given target groups were created.

👵🏻 65+ years old lady, married and retired, who wants to renew the furniture of her home.

👨 Young graduate in Interior Design of 25-30 years, who has just bought a house and must furnish it.

User Personas

Customer Journey

Customer Journey

Two personas from the given target groups were created.

👵🏻 Linear Customer Journey > Silvia has to redecorate one room of her house, making her journey a linear purchase process.

👨 Circular Customer Journey > Daniele has to furnish all the rooms of his new house so his journey is a circular one.

User Testing & Findings

User testing is an important step in the UX process. It allows to test the interface and functions on real users. The purpose of this process is to evaluate the usability of that website or app and to decide whether the product is ready to be launched for real users.
Two methods were used on the same users for the two target groups:
Read all the interviews and task data >> HERE

The Insecure

This type of buyer shows <insecurities> in choosing the product and <finds peace> of mind and security from being <guided> towards the right product by the sales employee.

Main Characteristics:

  • Tendency of wanting to be guided
  • Higher average age
  • In need of approval
  • Less comfortable with digital

The Socially Anxious


This type of shopper <struggles> to relate to the store clerk.They fear that the salesperson will not act in their best interests and will guide them to the wrong purchase.

Main Characteristics:

  • Prefer to buy alone
  • Lower average age
  • Reliance on online feedback
  • Purchase from smartphone

Prototype V1 >> Final

The feedback received from the tests was implemented to create a better version of the product.


Desktop Version

Mobile Version